마스터Q&A 안드로이드는 안드로이드 개발자들의 질문과 답변을 위한 지식 커뮤니티 사이트입니다. 안드로이드펍에서 운영하고 있습니다. [사용법, 운영진]

어플리케이션이 예상치 않게 중지되었습니다 라는 메세지가 뜹니다. [closed]

0 추천
05-14 10:37:40.993: E/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQ] ProcessNewMessage: [XTWiFi-CS] unknown deliver target [OS-Agent]
05-14 10:37:41.403: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:41.483: I/Vold(314): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
05-14 10:37:42.414: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:43.425: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:44.426: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:45.427: D/TaskManager_Widget(25515): [Task Manager] current theme : com.lge.launcher2.theme.marshmallow
05-14 10:37:45.447: D/ProcessInfo(25515): [Task Manager] Home is top : ComponentInfo{com.lge.launcher2/com.lge.launcher2.Launcher}
05-14 10:37:45.457: D/TaskManager_Widget(25515): [Task Manager] refresh updateWidget
05-14 10:37:45.478: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTCC- [CSMgr] timerCallback: type (1), tx_id (40226)
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTCC- [CSMgr] setupTimer: type (1), timeout_sec (5)
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTCC- [CSMgr] removeTimer of type (1), id (40226)
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTCC- [CSC] removeLocalTimer : 0 timers in queue after removal
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTCC- [CSC] setLocalTimer : [5] sec, 1 timers in queue after insertion
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTCC- [CSC] run: waiting for 5 sec
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQ] wait result 1
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] XTWiFi-CS: read
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] just read 4 bytes
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQ] wait result 1
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] XTWiFi-CS: read
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] just read 110 bytes
05-14 10:37:45.988: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] card length 110 + 4 bytes, current size 114 bytes
05-14 10:37:45.988: E/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQ] ProcessNewMessage: [XTWiFi-CS] unknown deliver target [OS-Agent]
05-14 10:37:46.479: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:47.490: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:48.501: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:49.512: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:50.072: I/Vold(314): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
05-14 10:37:50.533: D/wpa_supplicant(20670): nl80211: survey data missing!
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTCC- [CSMgr] timerCallback: type (1), tx_id (40228)
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTCC- [CSMgr] setupTimer: type (1), timeout_sec (5)
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTCC- [CSMgr] removeTimer of type (1), id (40228)
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTCC- [CSC] removeLocalTimer : 0 timers in queue after removal
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTCC- [CSC] setLocalTimer : [5] sec, 1 timers in queue after insertion
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTCC- [CSC] run: waiting for 5 sec
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQ] wait result 1
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] XTWiFi-CS: read
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] just read 4 bytes
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQ] wait result 1
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] XTWiFi-CS: read
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] just read 110 bytes
05-14 10:37:50.993: V/XTWiFi(410): [MessageQueueClientInfo] card length 110 + 4 bytes, current size 114 bytes
로그 부분입니다. 도와주세요 ㅠ
질문을 종료한 이유: 잘못 올렸네요.. ㅠ
익명사용자 님이 2014년 5월 14일 질문
2014년 5월 14일 closed
솔직히 말하면 무슨 문젠지 모르겠습니다;;; 처음보는 로그 형식이네요ㅠㅠㅠ 무슨 작업중이신가요~?
로그 잘못올리신거 같은데;;