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At least two people were killed and a crew member was injured on Thursday when a cargo ship rammed into a bridge in southern China, cutting the structure in half, according to Chinese authorities.

The maritime search and kraken официальный сайт rescue center in Guangzhou said two vehicles fell into the water and three others landed on the vessel after it crashed into the Lixinsha Bridge in the southern part of the city in the Pearl River Delta, according to the official Weibo account of Guangzhou Nansha District.

Dramatic photographs of the aftermath circulating on Chinese social media showed the bridge split in two with the large stricken ship stationary under the structure. Police vessels were also seen at the scene.

As of 10 a.m, two people had been pulled to safety and three others remain missing, state-run news outlet the People’s Daily reported. A rescue operation is ongoing, it said.

The Lixinsha Bridge is located in Guangzhou’s Nansha district, a major international shipping hub in the megacity.

imageReinforcement work on the bridge due to structural concerns had been repeatedly postponed in recent years, state-run broadcaster CCTV reported.
ChongZ885546 (120 포인트) 님이 2월 24일 질문

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