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API에서 팩토리 메소드가 뭔가요?

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API에서 팩토리 메소드가 뭔가요?


<h1 itemprop="name">AndroidHttpClient</h1>      extends Object
                implements               HttpClient                                                                                                         

   ↳ android.net.http.AndroidHttpClient

<h2 "margin-bottom: 0px;">Class Overview</h2><hr>

Implementation of the Apache <code>DefaultHttpClient</code> that is configured with reasonable default settings and registered schemes for Android, and also lets the user add <code>HttpRequestInterceptor</code> classes. Don't create this directly, use the <code>newInstance(String)</code> factory method.

This client processes cookies but does not retain them by default. To retain cookies, simply add a cookie store to the HttpContext:

anpub (160 포인트) 님이 2013년 3월 13일 질문

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디자인 패턴중 팩토리패턴에서 말하는 팩토리랑 같은 의미인것 같네요


인스턴스를 만들어내는 메소드 정도로 해석하면 될꺼같아요
SGLEE (1,690 포인트) 님이 2013년 3월 13일 답변