마스터Q&A 안드로이드는 안드로이드 개발자들의 질문과 답변을 위한 지식 커뮤니티 사이트입니다. 안드로이드펍에서 운영하고 있습니다. [사용법, 운영진]

spinner 질문입니다.

0 추천

11-24 22:05:58.648 26169-26169/? E/Zygote: MountEmulatedStorage()
11-24 22:05:58.648 26169-26169/? E/Zygote: v2
11-24 22:05:58.648 26169-26169/? I/libpersona: KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10120
11-24 22:05:58.648 26169-26169/? I/libpersona: KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
11-24 22:05:58.648 26169-26169/? I/SELinux: Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SHV-E330K_4.4.2 ver=32
11-24 22:05:58.648 26169-26169/? I/SELinux: Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [2] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SHV-E330K_5.0.1-1_0032
11-24 22:05:58.658 26169-26169/? E/SELinux: [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: default sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL
11-24 22:05:58.658 26169-26169/? I/art: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
11-24 22:05:58.788 26169-26169/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 D/ResourcesManager: creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1-2/base.apk
11-24 22:05:59.078 26169-26169/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 D/AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager
11-24 22:05:59.818 26169-26169/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 D/Activity: performCreate Call secproduct feature valuefalse
11-24 22:05:59.818 26169-26169/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 D/Activity: performCreate Call debug elastic valuetrue
11-24 22:05:59.828 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 D/OpenGLRenderer: Render dirty regions requested: true
11-24 22:06:00.078 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build:  ()
11-24 22:06:00.078 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.01.03
11-24 22:06:00.078 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 01/08/15 Thu
11-24 22:06:00.078 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: LA.BF.1.1_RB1_20150108_025_1077123
11-24 22:06:00.078 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch:
11-24 22:06:00.078 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Adreno-EGL: Local Patches:
11-24 22:06:00.078 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch:
11-24 22:06:00.078 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
11-24 22:06:00.118 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 D/OpenGLRenderer: Get maximum texture size. GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is 4096
11-24 22:06:00.118 26169-26326/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
11-24 22:06:00.828 26169-26169/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@78a0e99 time:43290070
11-24 22:06:09.728 26169-26169/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 V/ActivityThread: updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{ee4196a token=android.os.BinderProxy@78a0e99 {com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1.MainActivity}} show : true
11-24 22:06:11.628 26169-26169/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@78a0e99 time:43300876
11-24 22:06:41.608 26169-26169/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1 V/ActivityThread: updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{ee4196a token=android.os.BinderProxy@78a0e99 {com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1/com.example.sunhayoung.winintec1.MainActivity}} show : true


왜그런건지 모르겠어요..

스피너에서는 하나만 가능한건가요?

v2Spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
    public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { //스피너를 선택했을 때, 값 설정
        if (parent.getSelectedItemPosition() != 0) {
            String resultV = parent.getSelectedItem().toString();

            } else if (resultV.equals("빛(공기)")){
                V1 = 300000000;
                textView121.setText("300 Mm/s");

            } else if (resultV.equals("빛(물)")){
                V1 = 225000000;
                textView121.setText("225 Mm/s");

            } else if (resultV.equals("소리(공기)")){
                V1 = 343;
                textView121.setText("343 m/s");
            } else if (resultV.equals("소리(물)")){
                V1 = 1600;
                textView121.setText("1.6 km/s");


    public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent) {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "단위를 선택해 주세요.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); //만약 스피너가 선택되지 않았을 때에, "단위를 선택해주세요" Toast메시지가 나옴.


여기서 잘못된것 같거든요..

public void onButton20Clicked(View v) {
    double num3 = F1;
    double num4 = T1;
    double num5 = X1;

    if (editText60.getText().length() == 0 & editText61.getText().length() == 0 & editText62.getText().length() == 0 & editText63.getText().length() == 0) {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "숫자를 입력해 주세요.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        if (editText60.getText().length() >= 1 & editText61.getText().length() == 0 & editText62.getText().length() >= 1 & editText63.getText().length() == 0) {

            double num1 = Double.parseDouble(editText60.getText().toString())*num3;  //f
            double num2 = V1;

            double t = (1/num1)*num4; //주기

            double x = (num2/num1)*num5; //파장
후니02 (820 포인트) 님이 2015년 11월 24일 질문

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표시할 이름 (옵션):
개인정보: 당신의 이메일은 이 알림을 보내는데만 사용됩니다.
스팸 차단 검사:
스팸 검사를 다시 받지 않으려면 로그인하거나 혹은 가입 하세요.