마스터Q&A 안드로이드는 안드로이드 개발자들의 질문과 답변을 위한 지식 커뮤니티 사이트입니다. 안드로이드펍에서 운영하고 있습니다. [사용법, 운영진]

PlayStore 에 등록된 앱이 강제삭제 되었습니다. 개인정보 퍼미션때문일까요?!?!?!?

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has been removed from Google Play because it violates our personal and sensitive information policy and section 4.3 of the Developer Distribution Agreement . This app won’t be available to users until you submit a compliant update.

Here’s how you can submit your app for another review:

  1. Read through the Personal and Sensitive Information  article and make the necessary changes to your app. Your application is uploading device phone numbers to http://app.jou.kr  without prominent disclosure. Also your app must handle user data securely, including transmitting it using modern cryptography (for example, over HTTPS).
  2. Make sure your app is compliant with the User Data policy  and all other policies listed in the Developer Program Policies . Remember that additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy issues with your apps.
  3. Sign in to your Play Console  and upload the modified, policy compliant APK. Make sure to increment the version number of the APK.
  4. Submit your app.

If approved, your app will again be available with all installs, ratings, and reviews intact.

We classify user information including but not limited to, call logs, message logs, email address, phone number, name, social media account information, and contacts as private and confidential information. An app downloaded from Google Play (or its components or derivative elements) which transmits this information off of the device without obtaining the user’s explicit consent is in violation of section 4.3 of the DDA.

If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel this removal may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team . One of my colleagues will get back to you within 2 business days.


bg_u (730 포인트) 님이 2018년 3월 27일 질문

1개의 답변

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아무런 공지없이 폰 번호 수집하고, 암호화도 안해서 그런거 같네요.
마인드진 (920 포인트) 님이 2018년 3월 27일 답변
앱서명이랑 퍼미션이면 해결이 될까요? ㅠㅠ
개인정보방침 등록하시고, 앱 첫화면에 권한/개인정보에 관해 공지하시면 되겠네요.
그리고 Http 통신하실때 전화번호 암호화 하시구요.
감사합니다. 하나 더 배워갑니다